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Open Access Monitor

Publishers and Journals

This dashboard shows the Open Access share of the publishers and journals in which UZH researchers have published most frequently. Clicking on a publisher or journal displays further information. The data is synchronised in real-time with the Zurich Archive and Repository ZORA Please find further information on Open Access in the Glossary

Search Tips and Help

For modifying the visualisations, we recommend adding filters. All fields and aggregations available in the search index can be used. The field names are generally descriptive.

Alternatively, you can also search directly in the search field. The available fields and operators are displayed when you click into the field. Please find more information on the Kibana Query Language KQL on Elasticsearch.

Certain fields have an alias, which simplifies filtering:

Alias Field name Description
AU researcher_lookup Name or ORCID iD of the author subject_de Communities & Collections (german), all elements
CC.en subject_en Communities & Collections (english), all elements subject_full_de Communities & Collections (german), lowest element only
CCF.en subject_full_en Communities & Collections (english), lowest element only
EPID id ID of the repository entry (ZORA: eprintid)
FA agg_has_fulltext Entry has at least one full text faculty_de Faculty (german)
FC.en faculty_en Faculty (english)
FF agg_frascati_field Research areas according to OECD Frascati Manual. Values: "Agri", *Engin", "Human", "Med", "Nat", "SocSci", "Undefined".
JT journal_series_title Title of the journal or series
NA researcher_lookup Author's name or ORCID iD
OA agg_oastatus OA status with the possible values "green", "gold", "hybrid", "closed".
ORCID researcher_lookup Author's name or ORCID iD
ORG researcher_institution_inst Organisation / Institution
PB publisher Publisher
PMID pubmedid Pubmed ID
PY pubyear Publication year
SE journal_series_title Title of the journal or series
TI title Title type_de Document type (german)
TY.en type_en Document type (english)
YEAR pubyear_int Publication year (numeric)


Various aggregations also enable advanced search queries:

Feldname Beschreibung
agg_accessrights Access rights
agg_apc_chf Accumulated Article Processing Charges in CHF
agg_apc_eur Accumulated Article Processing Charges in EUR
agg_frascati_field Research areas according to OECD Frascati Manual. Values: "Agri", *Engin", "Human", "Med", "Nat", "SocSci", "Undefined".
agg_has_accepted_manuscript Entry has accepted manuscript
agg_has_cc_license Entry has a Creative Commons license
agg_has_correspondence_uzh Entry has a corresponding author from UZH
agg_has_doaj Journal is registered in DOAJ (info from Journal Database)
agg_has_doi Entry has a DOI
agg_has_embargo Documents belonging to an entry are still under embargo
agg_has_fulltext Entry has at least one full text
agg_has_orcid Entry has at least one author with an ORCID iD
agg_has_published_version Entry has published version of PDF
agg_has_pubmedid Entry has a Pubmed ID
agg_has_readandpublish Entry was published and invoiced via a Read&Publish contract
agg_has_rpcontract_journal Journal runs under a currently valid R&P contract (info from the Journal Database of the UZH)
agg_has_scopusrecord Entry is listed in Scopus
agg_has_wosrecord Entry is listed in Web of Science
agg_license Name and version of license (e.g. cc_by4)
agg_number_documents Number of deposited full text documents
agg_oastatus OA status, with values "green", "gold", "hybrid", "closed".