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With the Open Access Monitor you have access to data and evaluations on Open Access at the University of Zurich, summarised in various dashboards. The analyses show the development of OA at the University of Zurich and the University Hospitals. They contribute to a steady increase in the share of OA. They also help us to identify, supplement and clean up incomplete and inconsistent data in ZORA.
All dashboards are interactive and can be customised using filters. Thematic dashboards allow individual evaluations, for example by organizational unit, publisher or journal or author. The Zurich Open Repository and Archive ZORA provides the data basis.
This dashboard shows the current Open Access share of the UZH across all publications stored in ZORA. It can be filtered by publication year and publication type.
This dashboard shows the Open Access ratio by faculty and the Open Access ratio for the whole UZH.
This dashboard shows the number of publications that are still under embargo for legal reasons and are therefore only accessible internally at UZH. They will be Open Access in the future. The embargo period is usually between 6 and 48 months.